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Showing posts with the label Eczema

The Magic Salt Sock: Natural Relief for Ear Infections

Especially for children, earaches and infections are a terrible thing to experience, since they cause a huge amount of pain and discomfort, which is totally out of context with the severity of this relatively minor ailment. In most cases, nights pass without sleeping, and the situation seems most difficult and stressful then.Fortunately, there is a superb natural remedy that will relieve your infection and earache, and it is the magic salt sock! Its benefits are proven scientifically, no doubt about it. A Salt Sock is basically just a white cotton sock filled with Coarse Sea Salt that you heat up and place on the affected ear for relief. You will need: a clean, all white sock 1/2 cups of Coarse Seal Salt Remember, you should not use colored socks, or socks with a colored toe section or colored line in the toe area, since the colored threads/materials contain a substance that is flammable and will melt when you heat the sock. Therefore, you should not risk it. Regarding the

The One And Only Recipe That You Need To Treat Psoriasis And Eczema

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder characterized by red patches covered with white flakes, dry skin, itching and thickened nails. This disease is not serious enough, it cannot create a greater interference for your overall health, but is primarily an aesthetic problem. According to the alternative medicine, the causes of this disease can be improper nutrition and accumulation of toxins in the body. Burdock root The burdock root burdock is traditionally used in the treatment of inflammatory conditions of the skin. Here in this article we will show you how to prepare this burdock root tea, which will help you treat these skin condition. For the preparation of this tea, you will need a tablespoon of burdock root and 3.5 ounces of water. Now for the preparation take a tablespoon of burdock root, cover it with 3.5 ounces of water and cook it for about ten minutes. After 10 minutes strain it and your tea is ready. Remember you need to drink this tea freshly prepared, three times