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The Magic Salt Sock: Natural Relief for Ear Infections

Especially for children, earaches and infections are a terrible thing to experience, since they cause a huge amount of pain and discomfort, which is totally out of context with the severity of this relatively minor ailment. In most cases, nights pass without sleeping, and the situation seems most difficult and stressful then.Fortunately, there is a superb natural remedy that will relieve your infection and earache, and it is the magic salt sock! Its benefits are proven scientifically, no doubt about it. A Salt Sock is basically just a white cotton sock filled with Coarse Sea Salt that you heat up and place on the affected ear for relief. You will need: a clean, all white sock 1/2 cups of Coarse Seal Salt Remember, you should not use colored socks, or socks with a colored toe section or colored line in the toe area, since the colored threads/materials contain a substance that is flammable and will melt when you heat the sock. Therefore, you should not risk it. Regarding the
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Only 3 Tablespoons Of This Medicine Treat Anemia And Protect Against Many Diseases!

This vitamin bomb and healing elixir is very good for you and it is a tested remedy for increasing your hemoglobin, raising your blood cells and improve your overall blood counts. Make it right away, not only that is super healthy, but it is also very tasty! For the preparation of this natural cure – vitamin bomb, you will need: ● 200 ml of honey ● 200 g of walnuts ● 200g of raisins ● 200 ml of carrot juice ● 200 ml of beetroot juice ● 2 lemons Preparation Wash 2 lemons. Cut them in half and remove the seeds. Grind them nicely along with the peel (if the lemons are sprayed, you need to remove the peel) and place in a one liter glass jar. To this lemon mixture, add the honey, the beetroot and the carrot juice. Stir this mixture nicely. After this add the finely chopped or minced walnuts and raisins to this mixture. And again, stir it nicely. You’ll get about 1 kg of delicious and very healthy mineral mixture. Store this mixture in a glass jar and keep it in your fridge.

This Is How To Grow Your Own Ginger At Home

Ginger has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries among many cultures. Ginger has a long history of use for relieving digestive problems such as nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness and pain. The root or underground stem (rhizome) of the ginger plant can be consumed fresh, powdered, dried as a spice, in oil form or as juice. Ginger is part of the Zingiberaceae family, alongside cardamom and turmeric. How many of you are growing ginger at your home? Not a lot, right. But, Christina, a blogger from Portland, Oregon, is here to offer some useful tips and advices on how to grow your own ginger. On her blog, “Dream State,” she’s not only helping people to know more about America, but she also offers some other amazing and very useful tutorials. One of these tutorials will make some passionate gardeners very happy. “Grow Your Own Ginger at Home” is the name of the article, in which she explains how to grow ginger in a pot and water it every day until is fully grown.

Bloating Can Indicate a Serious Health Issue. NEVER Ignore THESE Warning Signs!

Bloating is generally manifested by uncomfortably full and gaseous stomach accompanied with burping, or abdominal rumbling and gurgling. Most of the time the causes are benign and include: overeating, swallowing excess air, heartburn irritable bowel syndrome constipation, intolerance to certain foods or ingredients (lactose, for example), drinking too many carbonated beverages, and some medications. However, bloating can also indicate a more serious health issue. Therefore, it’s important to be familiar with the warning signs and symptoms that serious bloating is associated with. SERIOUS BLOATING – WARNING SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Liver disease Abdominal bloating can be the result of liver disease or cirrhosis normally caused by cancer, hepatitis, or heavy drinking. The liver is more susceptible to deterioration because it acts as a filter station where cancer from other organs spreads because when cancer cells get into the bloodstream, they eventually get filtered through t

3 Most Effective Hair Masks – You Will be Shocked by The Results

If your hair is dull, dry or damaged, you don’t need to turn to expensive hair care products to bring its shine back. These three effective hair masks can significantly improve your hair quality because all-natural and organic homemade hair masks nourish the scalp and hair roots. Plus, making a homemade hair mask is not just very cheap, but also quite easy —you simply need a few kitchen ingredients. Egg Mask for All Hair Types Egg mask is one of the most health beneficial homemade hair masks. This all-natural hair mask is suitable for all hair types owing to the high content of protein and fat in eggs. What eggs do to your hair is maintain its moisture. In fact, the egg white is rich in antibacterial enzymes which cleanse both your hair and scalp. Plus, it’s a great protein treatment for your hair and scalp. Ingredients: Egg white (for oily hair and scalp) 1 full egg (for normal to dry hair) Lemon juice- 2/3 drops Method: Take 1-2 eggs depending on your hair thickness a

Whiten Your Teeth Naturally Using 2 Ingredients Only

Everyone wants that perfect Hollywood smile and pearly white teeth. But the truth is that what we eat and what we drink affects our teeth color significantly. But don’t worry, you don’t have to go to the dentist and spend thousands of dollars to achieve that, you can do it at home using only two ingredients. This is what you need: Baking soda Lemon juice Just mix the two ingredients and pour the lemon juice into the baking powder until you get a thick paste to brush your teeth. First the mixture will start foaming up but after a few seconds it will settle. Use a cotton ball and rub the paste against your teeth. Don’t rinse your mouth with water, wait for 20 minutes and repeat the process again. Don’t brush the teeth for 2 hours afterwards. You’ll notice a big difference just after the first application. Baking Soda is no surprise in this combination. Sodium bicarbonate is slightly abrasive and it scrubs gently the surface stains to give your teeth a whiter shade. It’s al

Lose Up To 1 Inch Over Night With These Amazing DYI Body Wraps

Losing weight and burning fat is a very difficult task to be achieved for many. Dieting and exercises can be effective, but many of us just aren’t disciplined enough to achieve the desired results. The ideal solution would be to lose the fat overnight, without any particular effort from our side. But that’s impossible isn’t it? We’re here to tell you that there is a proven and effective technique which will make you lose and inch of fat overnight, I mean literally overnight. In case you think this is a tone of rubbish we dare you to try it out for yourself and see what will happen. You’ll be amazed by the results. We’re talking about body wraps and they are amazing! You’ve probably heard about wrapping certain parts of your body with plastic wrap while you exercise or do the chores, in order to eliminate the excess water and toxins from your organism. But have you ever thought about what could happen if you go to bed with your stomach wrapped up in plastic and bandages? You’ll lo